A Journey Through Innovation

Join me on an adventure as I attend technology events that transcend boundaries and push the limits of innovation. Together, we'll explore how these gatherings are influencing and redefining our digital world.

GSMA Mobile World Congress 2024
Fira Barcelona (L'Hospitalet de Llobregat)

X Congreso de Innovación Pública NovaGob
La Nave (Madrid)

AI & Big Data Congress
Auditori AXA (Barcelona)

Jornades Demà Futur
Palau de la Generalitat (Barcelona)

Consell de Ciutat Badalona
Hotel Marina (Badalona)

User Centri Cities
Fira Barcelona (L'Hospitalet de Llobregat)

Puzzle X 2022
Fira Barcelona (L'Hospitalet de Llobregat)

Smart City Expo 2022
Fira Barcelona (L'Hospitalet de Llobregat)

Congrés de Competències Digitals
Cibernàrium Barcelona Activa (Barcelona)

Gabi memoji

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